Welcome to Punjabi Hindu Biradari Ranchi.
Punjabi Bhawan, Lala Lajpatrai Path,
Near Over Bridge,Ranchi -834001 (Jharkhand)
Welcome to Punjabi Hindu Biradari Ranchi.
Punjabi Bhawan, Lala Lajpatrai Path,
Near Over Bridge,Ranchi -834001 (Jharkhand)
GOLDEN WORDS It gives us great pleasure to introduce to you the Punjabi Hindu Biradari of Ranchi. The biradari is convened to be a social, cultural and charitable organization, supported by members from around Ranchi. The main objective of this body is to promote Punjabi culture and encourage charitable work for the less fortunate people within the community. Punjabi Hindu Biradari of Ranchi stands tall only due to the assistance and encouragement from within the community. Today, we are able to flaunt greater success and meet the organization’s goals only because of ongoing patronage. On this note, we extend gratitude and request all within the community to step forward and take an active part in this reinstating program. |
Mr Sudhir Ugal | |